قصه کودکانه مهمونی تارا _ tara’s party
تارا دختر بچه کوچکی است که در جشن تولدش دوستان خود را دعوت میکند اما یکی از بچه ها در طول مهمانی تولد رفتارهای ناشایست و اشتباهه از خود نشان میدهد و…
Tara was six.
“can I have a party?” she asked.
“yes,” said mum.
Tara sent cards to her friends.
Veejay came to the party.
He gave tara a toy car.
Emma came to the party.
She gave tara a scarf.
Mortha came last.
She gave tara one marble.
They martha put on the the scarf.
“I want it,” she said.
“it’s tara’s scarf,” daid emma.
Maetha started to cry.
“let’s play pass the porcel,” daid tara.
Tara passed the parcel to veejay.
Vaajay passed the porcel to amma.
Emma passed the parcel to martha.
Martha did’nt pass the parcel.
She started to rip off all the paper.
“pass the parcel!” said tara.
Martha started to cry.
“I’m not playing,” she said.
There were same sweet inside the parcel.
ادامه داستان را بشنویم.
قصهگو: یونا